This American Life, Producer/Narrator

Episode 827 - All The King’s Horses (2024)
Act 2: The 95

Reporter Dana Ballout sifts through a very long list—the list of journalists killed in the Israel-Palestine War—and comes back with five small fragments of the lives of the people on it. (10 minutes)

By Dana Ballout; Produced by Diane Wu


“Recording 801” by Lina Makoul 

Episode 667 - Wartime Radio (2019)
Good Morning, Kafranbel

Reporter Dana Ballout tells the story of Radio Fresh, a community station in Syria that the local listeners depend on, and local militant factions try to shut down. (22 minutes)


“World War” by Narcy

Optioned for scripted narrative series adaption.

Reporter Dana Ballout tells the story of Radio Fresh, a community station in Syria that the local listeners depend on, and local militant factions try to shut down. (22 minutes)